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Guide for next meeting assignment in Wednesday October 12th, 2016

Everyone of you has developed thesis into list of reasons "why thesis or topic is important". Then, all you have to do is explaining from list of topic sentence into paragraph. after that, you arrange into right generic structure of analytical exposition.

here is example:

1. Main Idea : the important of music in daily life
Topic Sentence :
1. Music is a way to express feelings
2. Song can help to memorize the last experiences
3. Music can unite people for a cause and changes the world

The Power of Music in Our Life
If someone asks me, do I agree that music is important in our life? Yes I do, music has certain role completing our day to day activities. Here are some reasons why music is heard everywhere and anywhere.

Music is a way to express feelings. When we fall in love, the kind of music we’d listen to would be all about love. When we’re sad, we would go for music that is melancholic in nature and immerse ourselves in the sadness. When we’re happy, we’d choose songs with happy tunes too.

Song can help to memorize the last experiences. A favorite song is a powerful documentary. People with Alzheimer which are impaired the brain would remember details about songs they were familiar with. For example, an elderly woman who couldn’t even remember her husband’s name would remember the details of her favorite song; when it was played, how it made her feel and things about the song that made it especially memorable for her.

Further, music can unite people for a cause and changes the world. A song with good lyric and striking deep chord can stimulate the universal feeling of all people. We can see it in the case of the famous and legendary Michael Jacson's Heal the World. It can arouse humanism of a lot people in this world.

From all reasons that I explained to you, we know music is important and it has power of our daily life. Whether you use music to help you memorize or concentrate, you need music in your daily life.

you may download the sample in link below

You may submit your task via e mail or on the spot on my class.
You may submit after or before presentation.

If you need more information you can hit comment below. thank you!

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