Kumpulan Tugas

How do I Submit my Pop-up Invitation task?

Good morning, my students.
how is your life?
Pop-up birthday Invitation by Adika Ramaghazy (XI MIA 4)

I want to inform you that today is your due date task. so, please make sure you could make it. I've just got one pop-up invitation letter from Leysa Amalia from XI MIA 4. I wish the other student will follow including XI IIS 2.
you could submit on my desk, in Library . put on my laptop if I were not there.
here is a sample.

I made a map of my desk position for you, in case you get lost, hehehe

don't forget or try to forget it. for group task, you should send e-mail before midnight.
if you have any question, let me know. you can hit comment below!
thank you.

NB* I'll invite you to participate for giving your thumb by hitting like on you tube and giving you comment about IT method for learning process. click link below

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16 September 2016 at 06:41 delete

Assalamu'alaikum Mr. Nawawi. I'm from XI MIA 4. I want to ask about the deadline for the popup invitation. Can i still submit them maybe in Saturday or Monday ? Thank you

Den Bagus
17 September 2016 at 10:23 delete

Wangalaukumussalam, Hanif. Yes, I see you.
Students who could make it before deadline could get maximum score. And for students who haven't submit pop-up invitation task can still submit it to me as long as mrs.Helni hasn't take your score list from me.
Yes, you could, however I come to school after PHB.
